The process of change

Companies which are members of RSP commit themselves to implement the Code throughout their supply chain. The most important membership conditions is, that members make progress with implementing and gradually include all their suppliers in “producing” countries, countries with a probability of high levels of non-compliance with the code.



The code of implementation



How does the Program work?


  1. The RSP Member (importer or exporter) makes sure that  an initial baseline audit will be conducted against the code, taking the three code levels into account, at every supplier (quarry or factory). The audits will be conducted in cooperation with the site owner/managers and will include interviews of workers and management. An ‘exit meeting’ will always be held to discuss the findings.
  2.  After the visit, the Member (buyer) and the audited supplier receive an audit report with a Corrective Action Plan form TFT. Should any extra training be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the appropriate level of the Code of Conduct, TFT will discuss this with the member.
  3. A re-audit will be conducted to check implementation of the corrective actions and to establish the level of compliance.


This process will be repeated in subsequent years to build improvement. Suppliers that does not  demonstrate effective improvement, will have to be abandoned by the Member, in the end.